Call Us +1-555-555-555


Get in Touch with Us:

Thank you for your interest in our organization and in the use of the collaborative law process to resolve civil and commercial disputes. We appreciate the opportunity to provide additional information to you.

Notes and Disclaimer

Please let us know the best match for your interest in NCCCLA below. You will receive a phone call or return email after submitting your contact information to us, to follow up and address your area of interest.

Note: If you are a person with a potential collaborative matter: 

(1) NCCCLA is not soliciting information about any dispute or potential collaborative or legal matter through this contact, in order to ensure that all privileged information is protected. We will assist you with finding a collaborative attorney for your matter using the resources available on this site. 

(2) No attorney-client relationship between you and any member of NCCCLA is formed based on submission of this contact to NCCCLA. An attorney-client relationship is formed only upon your engaging a collaborative attorney to assist you with your matter, upon terms agreed by you and your attorney. 

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